Name: Baan MOD Café (F1)
Category: Coffee Shop with Bakery & Food and Art Gallery
Place: Baan Singhaklai (Mod Chana Phai Foundation) @Singha Kli Road, Wiang, Chiang Rai
Distance: 150 Meters from Baan Mai Kradan Hostel
About: Singhaklai House is located at No. 628, Singhaklai Road, near the intersection of the entrance to Koh Loy Road. In the area of Chiang Rai city. It is a 103-year-old building, known as the OMF Missionary House, designed by Dr. William A. Briggs. Currently, it has been restored as the "Ant Chanaphai" Foundation's office to be a learning source in architecture and the story of the disaster as well as being a connection point to art stories for those who are interested with an exhibition of art in the collection which includes works by national artists famous thai artist and works that tell the beauty of Chiang Rai.
In front of the building there is a yellow shop "Mod Nom Sod". The ground floor is a coffee shop called "Baan Mod Cafe". The second floor is opened as an art gallery that opens for visitors from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (closed on Wednesdays).